The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into his fields – Matthew 9:37-38
Did you know only 10% of women completing a post-abortive healing study will use their voices to reach others? 90% will NEVER share their testimony.
But for those who do share . . . POWER!! When through freedom in Christ, a post-abortive women shares her testimony, abortion-minded women are 85% more likely to choose LIFE!
“We overcome the enemy, by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of OUR testimony.”
Revelation 12:11
In 2018, God planted a seed with Jane Meeks, licensed mental health counselor/art therapist to develop a “tool” to change this paradigm. With God’s leading, Jane along with 14 others* gave life to THE NEXT STEP, a 7-week Bible study that equips, trains and empowers women to use their voices to bring healing and hope to the silent sufferers.
THE NEXT STEP is a compatible sequel to Surrendering the Secret and Forgiven and Set Free. A leaders guide is included.
THE NEXT STEP now has proven track record with over 75% of “graduates” stepping up and
stepping out – sharing their stories, volunteering at pregnancy centers, leading Bible studies at their churches . . . changing lives.
When I went through The Next Step after an abortion healing program, I learned to find my voice about abortions. I was able to speak in public that I too had an abortion and not feel shame and guilt that I once would. By telling my story, others have opened up to me about their abortions and sought healing.
Diane O’Toole, Executive Director – Boston Center for Pregnancy Choices
As one of the facilitators of The Next Step, I truly find the study to be rewarding as each time I get to see the changes that take place in the women over the 7-week period . . . smiling, sharing freely, asking questions, offering suggestions and encouragement to each other. And as I too get to share my story in the freedom our Lord has secured for us, I am reminded . . . “We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies.”
Sophia Haughton, Lead Facilitator – The Next Step
To order copies of this remarkable God-inspired healing study direct an e-mail to:
JMeeksart@ Put THE NEXT STEP in the subject line.
63 million babies have lost their lives to abortion. The harvest is great, but the workers are few . . . God is raising up His armies . . . Join us – Join Him!
*The Next Step is a publication of Light Group Ministries/IMI a division of ACT Intl – We are women who have been healed and set free from the shame and secret of abortion. The Light Group of Indian River County, Florida is an ancillary to Care Net of IRC – volunteering in various capacities. Healing studies are also offered in our local churches.